Our Mission
The goal of this program is to help students flourish in college, career, and life by identifying and encouraging their natural personal strengths in several critical areas.
What is StudentKeys?
StudentKeys represents a series of short, accurate, self-scoring assessments designed to identify and enhance communication, learning, motivation, and career choices in students. It is a simple, yet profound program focusing upon personal “strengths”, then applying that information to everyday communicating and learning situations. StudentKeys utilizes six self-interpreting workbooks that parents, teachers, and counselors can review with a student independently or in small groups. The target audience for these workbooks is students in high school through college. Students who can recognize their strengths early on, will be better prepared to make life’s most critical decisions. Studies have proven that students who used StudentKeys during freshman orientation are more likely to return to their sophomore year than students who did not use StudentKeys in orientation.
Who Uses StudentKeys
- High school guidance counselors
- TRIO federally-funded programs
- School-to-work programs
- Orientation departments | office of first-year experience
- Student services | student affairs departments
- Nontraditional student services
- Academic support offices
- At-risk programs
- Behavioral psychology classes
- Self discovery classes
- Soft-skills | Life-skills classes
- Career services departments
- Career advisors | counselors | developers
- Home school college prep programs
- Home school career development programs
How is DISC used?
- Discover behavioral strengths, areas for augmenting, blending, capitalizing
- Value and learn to respect the strengths of others
Deal with conflict effectively by learning adaptive behaviors - Enhance work group with teamwork and minimize team conflict
- Develop strategies to meet diverse needs of others
- Improve communication skills by determining communication styles
- Increase sales skills and understanding of the prospect, client, customer with people reading.
- Improve customer relationships by identification and meeting needs
- Reduce conflict and stress, in both interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships
- Manage interpersonal communication better
Fortune 500 Companies | HR professionals | Consultants | Coaches | Trainers | Dentists | Clergy | Government Agencies | Sales Firms | Educational Institutions.
- Build productive teams
- Develop effective managers, supervisors, leaders
- Train a powerful sales force
- Improve customer service
- Ease frustrations and interpersonal conflict
- Enhance Communication
- Conflict Management resolution
- Team Development and team building
- Improves personal diversity awareness and recognition
- Improve the bottom line: productivity
- Assists in hiring, recruiting, placement, promotion, outsourcing
- Change management,
- Quality enhancement
- Managing, counseling, coaching