
The Australian Council on Educational Research (ACER) is the exclusive distributor for The Institute for Motivational Living and PeopleKeys in Australia. Acer distributes the full line of Student Keys paper and online products and like all of their offerings, they have conducted proprietary independent studies and collected their own data as to the validity of materials.

ACER’s mission is to create and promote research-based knowledge, products and services that can be used to improve learning across the life span. A major aspect of ACER’s work is to assist educational decision makers at all levels in their collection, analysis, interpretation and use of reliable data. Their purpose is to assist in the development of clearer pictures and understandings of educational challenges, opportunities and progress over time.

IACET has approved The Institute for Motivational Living and PeopleKeys for offering Continuing Educational Credits (CEUs) for their courseware after having adhered to strict IACET standards of accreditation.

The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is a non-profit association dedicated to quality continuing education and training programs. IACET accredits education providers that meet strict continuing education guidelines originally created in 1968 and recently updated by the IACET Council on Standards Development (ICSD). IACET accreditation is the standard learners seek for quality when they choose a provider. The ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard is the core of thousands of educational programs worldwide.

IACET is known as the premier standard-setting organization for continuing education and training providers. From the original 10 Criteria developed by the task force, the standards have evolved into criteria with guidelines that have become the basis of our Authorized Provider program.

In 2006, IACET was approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a Standards Developer. The IACET Standard that was developed as a result was approved by ANSI on October 5, 2007. What was formerly IACET Criteria & Guidelines is now ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard.

In addition to this effort, IACET is pleased to have become part of the U.S. delegation to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC232 group which is developing a set of international ISO standards.

Before incorporating the IML-developed and copyrighted assessments into their proprietary “Sylvan Advantage” software offered to millions of students at over 1800 centers in the US, Sylvan Learning conducted a proprietary two-year beta study on outcomes.

The assessments studied, from Student Keys materials, included DISC Communication Styles for Students, Perceptual Learning Styles for Students and Cognitive Thinking Styles for Students.

These assessments and subsequent interpretations were eventually added to proprietary computers at Sylvan facilities to help tutors assess the communication, thinking, and learning styles of each student so that tutors could better target learning curriculum based upon student’s differentiated preferences. After a student answered a battery of assessments available by computer, a customized preferences report was available for the student, tutor, and parent to get everyone involved in the diagnostic learning curriculum outlined by the report.

Educate Inc. owns the Sylvan Learning Centers Franchise, which offers tutoring to students in pre-K through 12th grade. Certified teachers provide personalized instruction in reading, writing, math, study skills, and test prep for state assessment and college entrance exams via more than 900 primarily franchised Sylvan centers throughout the US, Canada, Guam, and Puerto Rico. It also teaches students in Asia, the Middle East, the Bahamas, and the Cayman Islands. Additionally, Educate offers online tutoring services for Sylvan students.

Student Keys assessments are used in assessing the strengths and at-risk behaviors of foster children to aid case workers and foster families at the Bair Foundation.

The Bair Foundation is the largest Christian non-profit Foster Care Agency in America. It has successfully cared for and treated children, teens and families for over 40 years. As a nationally recognized leader in the field of children & family services, The Bair Foundation has 37 offices operating in 8 states.

The nation’s children are experiencing horrors of abuse and neglect that most people cannot comprehend. Trends and needs are constantly evaluated as The Bair Foundation strives to offer more children and teens safe, secure and nurturing living experiences that uphold Christian values and promote healing and growth. Through a myriad of programs and services they are able to address and meet the unique needs of children and families in crisis.

Using DISC assessments and behavioral certification from The Institute for Motivational Living, The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Co implemented a training program called Leaders in Flight (“LIFT”) developed to cultivate character and integrity in military leaders. DISC was used as an Academy effort to raise leadership effectiveness and focus on improving organization, teamwork, interpersonal skills and personal influence.

The LIFT Program, for junior-level cadets was offered five times during the academic year and over 1,000 cadets participated. Major Jeff Kozyra, Deputy Division Chief, Character and Leadership Education and Program Director, LIFT Seminars at the Air Force Academy, said “It has helped reduce conflict and has provided solutions by improving communication in a variety of areas where we work under conditions of stress.”

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Trinity Western University
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Criswell College
Circleville Bible College
Manhattan Christian College
Ridgewater College
College of St. Rose
Lancaster Bible College
Colorado Christian University
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Bluefiled College
Spring Arbor College
University of Arkansas Ft. Smith
Azuza Pacific University
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Clovis Christian High School
Neshannock High School
Sisters High School

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