Validation Studies
The StudentKeys validation studies were performed by Eastern University, Texas State University, & LeTourneau University.
The study found students who participated in Student Keys did achieve higher GPA’s in their first semester of college. Secondly, students who participated in Student Keys were also retained at a higher rate than the non-participants (71.1% vs. 65.3%).
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Validity & Empirical Data
Independent Validity Study of the StudenKeys program conducted at Eastern University (formerly Eastern College). The longitudinal, empirical study under the direction of Dr. Laurie Schreiner, was undertaken to measure retention and acclimation effectiveness of the Student Keys program on incoming students. This study was part of a larger project, “CCCU Quality Retention Project”, in which 79 member schools of the Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) joined together in a five-year, collaborative research project focusing upon improving the quality of the educational experience so that a higher percentage of students graduate.
The study found students who participated in Student Keys did achieve higher GPA’s in their first semester of college. Secondly, students who participated in Student Keys were also retained at a higher rate than the non-participants (71.1% vs. 65.3%).
In 1996, IML’s DISC Profile, a major piece of the Student Keys Program, was studied for reliability and validation. This validation study investigated the psychometric properties of The Institute for Motivational Living’s (IML) DISC instrument within the context of workplace and educational environments. The research was completed independently by Larry Price Ph.D., Professor of Psychometrics & Statistics, at Texas State University. The study and technical report found IML’s DISC instrument meets or exceeds requirements and is a good predictor of workplace behaviors.
Establishing evidence for the validity of a particular psychological or educational instrument, scale or test is likely to be the most important aspect of instrument development. Moreover, in psychological measurement and assessment, the term validity represents a judgment or expression of how well an instrument or test measures what it purports to measure.
Results presented in the full study indicate that the psychometric properties of the IML DISC are internally consistent and reliable, both in traditional analytic methods and those employed by Dr. Price. Furthermore, Dr. Prices states that the development process that the IML organization adhered to for the item selection and refinement are closely aligned with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999) extending support for the collective validation process. Collectively, the results of the present study provide evidence that the IML DISC provides a robust measure of personality style. The reliability and validity evidence indicates that IML may confidently use the DISC in their effort to better understand the personality style of individuals in the workplace or educational environments.
Student Keys was studied as a model to describe and guide their student’s career-related exploration, personal and leadership development. The study found Student Keys to rank significantly higher on a likert scale when compared with the control group and be a significant benefit in areas like:
- Setting realistic goals
Understanding self and others - Student enjoyment of self-learning
- Advising effectiveness
- Quality of activities and discussion
- Identification of own and other’s styles
LeTourneau University, conducted a study under a larger pilot study on “Enhancing Strengths” for the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) of which Student Keys materials were studied along with a similar program by the Gallup Organization. LeTourneau’s study in conjunction with their student outcomes commission, aimed to identify the intellectual and behavioral outcomes sought by CCCU member schools, namely that students better understand themselves, develop character, and acquire professional and leadership skills. This study was a collaborative effort between Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Christian Leadership Departments, and Senior Studies in Business.
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